Monday, June 1, 2009

On this fine Monday...

Ella and I went for a jog this morning at a beautiful park near my parents house. Aunt Emme (who is almost seven!) came along too, it was a lot of fun but who knew that pushing a jogging stroller was such hard work? My face was bright red by the time we finished!

Some chicken and peppers, a nap, and a business meeting later, we are now editing photos, catching up on laundry, and singing at the top of our lungs to Postal Service.


Ginnie said...

I came across your blog the other day and can I tell you how delightful and refreshing I think your blog is? Really, it is. Not to mention the beautiful photography. :) Keep it up!

Steph said...

Sounds like a GORGEOUS day! And I love postal service :)

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